The HP 12c is a standard - these folks kept the standard and improved it dramatically. HP simply recreated their calculator on an iPhone - didnt give any thought to improving it.
In my mind, my "flagship" differentiator is the cash flow viewer/editor... if youve never tried it its slick IMHO. It allows you to see your cash flow entries as a cash flow diagram, and edit them (including adding and deleting individual cash flows) using the visual format--with the HP you can only delete the last cash flow and to do so you have to change the value of the n-register and you cant add a cash flow in the middle of your series. If you messed up entering the cash flows, you have to start over from CFo.
Emailing results, in particular amortization tables and calculations dealing with cash flows and one-tap access to the forums FAQ page is very helpful - these guys did it right!!
JayATS about Calc-12E RPN Financial